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adrian's cubing stuff

My cubing journey began in September of 2022 when a friend offered to teach me how to cube. I completed on my own for the first time a few days later, on October 4th. Ever since then, I have been continually practicing to get faster.

Some facts about me:

  • I solve using the CFOP method.
  • Currently, my global average is ~20 seconds.
  • My main cube is the MoYu RS3 M 2021.

Things I'm working on: learning PLL, improving F2L execution, better inspection, practice lookahead.

PLLs learned: Aa Ab F Ga H Ja Jb Na Nb Ra Rb T Ua Ub V Y Z

PLLs not learned: E Gb Gc Gd

The next event I want to learn is: 3BLD!

My WCA Profile

My Speedsolving.com Profile

2024 Jul 18: I am finally sub-20! Turns out that the secret was... cleaning and re-lubing my cube.

Current PBs: 19.72 (ao100), 18.90 (ao12), 17.48 (ao5).

2024 Jul 7: A much belated update regarding the competition and other cubing happenings. 3x3 was okay; I was on track for a 21 ao5 (which is about what I average at home) but unfortunately choked on the last solve. I did get a PR single, though! 2x2 was not particularly noteworthy, but competing in Skewb for the first time was quite fun. I probably should have practiced more though, seeing how I shaved ten whole seconds off my average in the days following the competition. Ended up skipping day 2 (pyraminx/3BLD) due to exhaustion.

I also helped build a cube mosaic for the first time!

2024 Jun 14: Signed up for Bay Area Speedcubin' 63! This time, I'll be trying three new events (3BLD, OH, and Skewb) in addition to 2x2/3x3/pyra. I've gotten decently comfortable with Skewb and am averaging about 30 seconds, but my OH solves are just excruciating and I haven't actually learned 3BLD yet, so...

2024 Mar 31: Went to another cubing competition, Bay Area Speedcubin' 59! I mainly went since I wanted to record my first official 2x2 and Pyraminx times; I haven't really gotten much faster at 3x3 since my last comp, so I wasn't expecting much in that department. I ended up doing pretty poorly in 3x3 anyways due to nerves, but 2x2 and Pyra were pretty fun. I also got to meet Tomas Rokicki, notable cube mathematician and part of the team that proved God's number to be 20.

Thoughts on the competition itself: the new Timebase system they were testing felt a little flaky, and in fact I ended up getting an extra for 3x3 due to a malfunction during inspection. The old method of paper scorecards definitely has its problems, and I feel like if it can live up to its promises Timebase would be a big improvement, but it's not quite there yet. I did very much appreciate the choice to run a stationary competition (you do all your solves at the same station). Given the vast confusion that comes with everyone running around, this feels like a no-brainer decision.

Overall: pretty good experience. I had a wonderful time judging and chatting with competitors in between solves. This comp has motivated me to practice until I average sub-20, so I am now on the battle path!

2024 Mar 19: First cubing update in forever: I got a Skewb! It was a much-delayed Secret Santa gift—long story. Anyways, I haven't formally learned how to solve it, but I devised a really crappy method by just tinkering with the puzzle for a while. Skewb is one of the events at the competition I've signed up for, but unfortunately I can't add it since registration closed, so I'll have to wait to get an official Skewb average.

(Picture looks a little different since my usual lens isn't with me.)

2023 Sep 10: Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted an update. Progress has been slow—very slow—but steady. My ao100 is at just over 21 seconds, so I think sub-20 is in reach. For reference, my best ao5 and ao12 are 18.35 and 19.65.

2023 Jun 12: From this day on I am officially a proud Pyraminx owner. I saw the puzzle on sale at Target and simply couldn't resist! The turning is pretty crappy, but nothing a little lube can't fix. After playing with it for a few days I've set and broken a few personal bests which I have recorded below.

2023 Mar 13: Two big accomplishments—sub-23 ao100 and a new PB of 12.71! I absolutely did not expect to beat my previous record by such a wide margin. The scramble was ridiculously lucky (XCross and two free pairs after solving the first). I've linked the reconstruction in my PB table.

2023 Feb 13: Just got my first ever sub-20 ao5! The times were: 19.26 18.77 19.88 (21.60) (16.52).

Noisy celebration followed. It was a very exciting achievement; I think I'll be averaging under 20 seconds consistently soon.

2023 Feb 10: My YJ MGC 2x2 just arrived!

Practicing 2x2 was fun, although going back to 3x3 felt extremely weird.

2023 Feb 8: Got a crazy new PB of 14.97. This solve was quite lucky—I got an unplanned XCross in 5 moves. Reconstruction is linked in my PB table.

2023 Feb 2: Took a couple glamour shots of my 3x3 for an ongoing project. Quite scandalous.

2023 Jan 22: I went to my first competition recently!

Highlights: getting my Mirror cube signed by none other than Max Park!

PB History

Here is a list of my PBs and when they were achieved.

3x3 Single

2022 Oct 51:52.20
2022 Oct 101:03.57
2022 Oct 1256.78
2022 Oct 1450.77
2022 Oct 1748.37
2022 Oct 1942.40
2022 Oct 2039.93
2022 Oct 2739.00
2022 Oct 2935.45
2022 Oct 3130.93
2022 Nov 528.08
2022 Nov 1226.88
2022 Nov 1324.83
2022 Nov 1423.35
2022 Nov 1721.31
2022 Nov 2120.80
2022 Nov 2220.01
2022 Dec 519.18
2022 Dec 2718.85
2022 Dec 2818.29
29 Dec 202216.82
2023 Jan 316.11
2023 Jan 815.18
2023 Feb 814.97
2023 Mar 1312.71

3x3 One-Handed Single

2023 Jul 221:29.88
2023 Sep 121:08.96
2024 Jun 1446.14

2x2 Single

2023 Feb 103.31

Pyraminx Single

2023 Jun 208.83

Skewb Single

2024 Mar 1954.48
2024 Jun 1318.42
2024 Jun 1412.49
2024 Jun 245.08

Loopover Single

2022 Dec 2830.19
2024 Jun 1824.95